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Significant Points in Our History

1959 I The Montecito Riding and Hiking Trails Association of California was organized.


1964 The Montecito Trails Foundation (MTF) was formed to:

  • Preserve historic trails of the Chumash people and Spanish settlers in southern Santa Barbara County

  • Acquire and develop new trails per requirements of the Santa Barbara County General Plan

  • Maintain and improve existing trails for public use

  • Partner with Santa Barbara County to widen trails for public safety


1968 The Cynthia Woods trail is built.


1970 The first official MTF trails map (map Chairman, Norman Vincent) is printed, and 163 members join.


1972 The Romero Canyon connector trail is built, from the So Cal Edison towers down to the old campgrounds.


1972 Old Saddlerock trail is reopened.


1973 The Association reaches 155 members.

1973 In March the trail through Casa Dorinda was approved by the County Board of Supervisors, and recorded.

1973 The Robertson trail is completed.

1973 The Ramsey Harris trail is completed.


1973 Si Jenkins sponsors Fearing Trail (aka Tupper-Fearing trail), named after Colonel Fearing, who lived at 777 Romero Canyon.


2000 The Girard Trail is constructed.


2002 The Foundation reaches 1420 members.


2003 The Foundation reaches 1081 members.


2003 The "vintage" MTF map is published.


2004 MTF’s 40th birthday! New signs posted.


2005 Severe storm damage. MTF spends most of 2006 rebuilding washed out trails.


2006 The George Collins Memorial Trail over the Buena Vista Water Company property links the San Ysidro, Romero Canyon, and Old Pueblo Trail.

2017 The Thomas Fire, California's largest wildfire to date, ravaged the MTF trail system.

2018 The 1/9 Debris Flow further damaged the landscape, scouring the creeks to bedrock and depositing debris throughout the community and it's trail system. The forest was closed for months, while everyone tried to find their feet and a place to start restoration. 

2019 Extensive trail repair continued, highlights included the re-opening of the Cold Spring Trails and new community trails with the Santa Barbara Bucket Brigade.

2020 The establishment of the Montecito Trails Foundation Trail Care Fund, a promise to the community of continued trail stewardship.

2021 The NEW MTF Trail Map is published.

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